※ 多色選擇:黑/黃銅/黃銅波浪/鈦銀/純鋼/紅銅/火藍
※ 黃銅:筆身為黃銅
※ 黃銅波浪:筆身為黃銅
※ 紅銅:筆身為紅銅
※ 黑:筆身為鋁
※ 鈦銀:筆身為鋁
※ 純鋼:筆身為純鋼
※ 火藍:筆身為不鏽鋼
※ 筆身輕巧,易於攜帶
※ 德國製造
The minimalist model of precious metals, aluminum, copper, brass and stainless steel
- Originally introduced in 1910, the Liliput was re-released in 2011 and is available in a variety of attractive materials and finishes
- Among the smallest fountain pens in the world that use standard international short ink cartridges
- Threading on the end of the barrel allows the cap to be screwed on securely, bringing the pen to a comfortable, full-sized length while in use
- Measuring only 3.8" (97mm) when closed, just 3.4" (87mm) when opened and 5" (126mm) when the cap is attached to the barrel
- Made in Germany
The LILIPUT is one of the oldest Kaweco series. In 1908 it already fascinated the consumers with its simple style, it was made of ebonite back then. Even today the Kaweco LILIPUT only consists of 3 parts: cap, barrel and mouthpiece.
The LILIPUT series is available in different precious metals. Measuring only 97 mm when closed, just 87 mm when opened and 125 mm when the cap is attached to the barrel, the LILIPUT is one of the smallest fountain pens in the world.
所有Tebbys & Co. 出貨的Kaweco書寫產品都帶有保修服務,但不包括因人為、意外或非授權代理維修而導至之損壞,亦不包括筆之正常磨損。如需維修保固服務,請出示保固卡與台灣授權維修中心特比斯有限公司聯絡(電話:02-8712-2965 電郵:kaweco@thetebbys.com)。